Tango Dancers Wanted

Tango dancer London Bijou


My name is Bijou Abas, I’m a third year undergraduate student at Goldsmiths University of London and an active Tango dancer of many years! I am doing my dissertation on the sociology of Tango dance and am searching for dancers who are willing to partake in an interview for my research. My dissertation aims to explore the meanings of various aspects of Tango including the physical, such as the dance itself, the embrace, etc; the social, as in the community and the connections made; and the individual, self-perception, emotion, experience, etc. I’m looking for a wide array of perspectives, so I welcome anyone regardless of skill level, age, and gender, my only criteria is that you dance primarily in London, ask your friends too!  

Interviews will take place in March, and I am extremely flexible and more than willing to do interviews on teams or over the phone if preferred. They will take anywhere from 45 minutes to 2 hours depending on a variety of factors, as the questions are only a guide for an open conversation. More information regarding technicalities including your rights as a participant, my supervisor, and the university will be on the official information sheet, which will be sent along with the consent form if you happen to be interested.

If that is the case, or if you have any other questions, please email me at: bijouabas@gmail.com and put “Tango Interview Inquiry” as the subject. 

Thank you so much, keep on dancing, and I hope I’ll speak to you soon! 


New Study on Dancers